Dr Ian Ang Xing Yang

As part of the Nuclear Safety Analysis Team, I work on the severe accident integral code ASTEC. I mainly focus on MEDICIS. However, I am also digging deeper into nuclear power related deployments in the underground space.

I also have a keen interest in the deployment of drones, autonomous or remote controlled, underground, terrestrial or underwater, in the nuclear environment.

My last interest is to the dissemination of knowledge through demonstration and explanation. This mostly focuses on ways to make science as accessible as possible.

My PhD work was on nuclear forensics, analysing samples from extremes of the radioactive release spectrum; drastic and quick releases during the Fukushima accident, and low and slow releases from the liquid effluent discharge from the Winfrith test reactor site.

I am familiar with autoradiography, gamma spectrometry, XRF, XRD, XANES, mass spectrometry, SEM, FIB, APT and AFM techniques.

IAN ANG (0000-0002-7472-1535) – ORCID