Current and Past SNRSI Scholars

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Vitesh s/o Rathah Krishnan

Matriculation Year: 2017
The University Manchester
Masters, Nuclear Science and Technology

Greetings! I’m Vitesh and I’m currently pursuing my masters at the University of Manchester (UoM). I was always fascinated with physics from a young age which led me in the path I am in today. The increasing energy demand and heavy dependence on fossil fuels would eventually lead us to a dead end when the fossil fuels run out. Hence, nuclear power made sense for our future energy demands. I made up my mind that day, to build a career in nuclear physics. Be it building our own nuclear power plant or collaborating with other Asian nations in the nuclear sector, I want to be able to contribute in the best way that I can.

The programme that I am enrolled in at UoM is well established in the UK with accreditations from Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Energy Institute (EI) and many others. The programmes were set up by 9 UK universities and higher education institutions including the Nuclear Department of the defines academy. With one aim, to train students/professionals in the areas such as nuclear decommissioning and clean-up, reactor technology, nuclear medicine, to name a few. From attending my courses, it has become a norm to meet many professionals from the nuclear industry around the UK, as they are there to upgrade their skills. This reflects the recognition of the programme among the nuclear sector in the UK.

Despite just commencing my master in September 2017, I feel that I have been exposed to a wide array of courses. It’s a rigorous academic program which is a form of challenge to any individual. I’d love to take on that challenge and overcome it because life isn’t interesting without challenges/problems. Although my primary aim was to be involved with the safety aspect of the nuclear sector, upon attending my modules I have grown quite fond of the radiological environmental impact assessment. I found this module particularly intriguing because I had the opportunity to perform my own assessment (limited) of discharges from a nuclear power plant. Therefore, my research interests cover these two areas but I believe, progression in the programmes will enhance and narrow my research interests. I would love to end my introduction on this note, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious”-Albert Einstein