Tang Jia Hao
Matriculation Year: 2024
Korea University of Science & Technology – Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Ph.D., Nuclear and Radiation Safety
Hello again! I’m Jia Hao and I’m currently pursuing my Doctorate in the nuclear radiation and safety from Korea University of Science and Technology (UST). I graduated from the National University of Singapore with a B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics followed by a Master in nuclear energy from Paris-Saclay University in 2017. The master course is particularly eye-opening as it provided me with an inside view of how a country heavily dependent on nuclear energy operates and further deepen my interest in the subject.
My ongoing graduate study is jointly conducted by Korea University of Science and Technology and Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon, South Korea. This graduate school aims to bridge the gap between local research institutes and students and functions as a link to a consortium of 17 renowned Korean institute.
This is my second run with this scholarship and my motivations for pursuing further study largely remains the same after my working in the nuclear research field for six years. I strongly believe that with the growing energy demand and global warming, there is a clear need for us to harness alternative energy and nuclear could be a potential candidate.
My current research is in Level 3 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) which is an assessment of the offsite consequences attributable to a spectrum of possible accident scenarios involving a nuclear installation. Level 3 PSA covers a myriad of topics relevant to the aftermath of a nuclear accident and is part of the process frequently used to improve and assess the safety of nuclear installation. The subject involves the atmospheric dispersion, dosimetry, emergency protective action modelling and health effect modelling. Currently, I am invested in the emergency protective action modelling particularly in the protective action Iodine Thyroid Blocking. Other research topics of interest include feasibility of nuclear energy in South-east Asia, dose assessment and public outreach.
If there are any interest in my experience or research, feel free to contact me at snrtajh@nus.edu.sg.